It’s about a process and future of Branson shows not “the button”

First a suggested solution: Give the individual Branson show the option of having the link from the Branson Lakes Area Chamber of Commerce & CVB “Buy Now Button,” (BNB), for THEIR show listing on the “ (EBC) show page,” go directly to a page on the shows web site where tickets can be directly purchased OR, in the alternative, to a page of another web site, of their choice, from which their tickets can be directly purchased. i.e. The BNB for the “Bad Button Jamboree Show” could link directly to the page on the Button Jamboree Show web site where they directly sell their tickets to THEIR show or directly to a page on another website of their choice, from which tickets to their show can be purchased. …

It’s about a process and future of Branson shows not “the button” Read More »