
Is there enough LUV to pull Branson Airport out of financial doo-doo?

One of the questions commonly asked of the Ole Seagull is, “Will the Branson Airport (Airport) make it?” The gist of his answer is, “I don’t know, but, I hope it does if there is no additional local governmental financing or “bail out” involved.”

But Seagull, “Doesn’t the announcement of Southwest Airlines (LUV) service to Branson reduce the likelihood that additional governmental financing or a “bail out” would be sought by the “Airport?” “Could be, but two things are fact, doo-doo is doo-doo and the LUV service into Branson Airport was formerly confirmed and announced with great fanfare at a Branson Landing Pep Rally in August of 2012. …

Is there enough LUV to pull Branson Airport out of financial doo-doo? Read More »

Thanksgiving is all about to whom the “Thanks” is “given!”

This annual Thanksgiving reprint is a wish from the the Ole Seagull and the entire Groman family that you and yours will have a Blessed and Happy Thanksgiving.

Common sense tells an Ole Seagull that something celebrated as “Thanksgiving Day” should be a day of “giving thanks.”  Generally speaking, who among us says “thank you” to “no one?” When thanks is given it is for something and is “given” to the person or entity believed to have provided that something.

Yet, even as some would take “CHRIST” out of CHRISTmas they would take the “Giving” out of Thanksgiving. To whom are we giving thanks? From Coronado’s 1541 Thanksgiving in Palo Duro Canyon, in what is now West Texas, through the 1600 Puritan Thanksgivings in New England, history testifies to the fact that our modern day Thanksgiving is rooted on giving thanks to God for blessings bestowed. …

Thanksgiving is all about to whom the “Thanks” is “given!” Read More »

It’s not about Obama or Romney, it’s about America committing suicide by GIMME PIG

In talking about what could destroy America, Abraham Lincoln said, “If it ever reach us, it must spring up amongst us. It cannot come from abroad. If destruction be our lot, we must ourselves be its author and finisher. As a nation of freemen, we must live through all time, or die by suicide.” Is it just possible that we are committing suicide by “GIMME PIG?” …

It’s not about Obama or Romney, it’s about America committing suicide by GIMME PIG Read More »

Is education or raising prices of Branson shows the answer to getting PBIS?

A recent news article reported that the Branson/Lakes Area Chamber of Commerce and CVB did a study on what brings people to Branson and reported the results to the City of Branson’s Board of Aldermen (Board) at a recent meeting. The study’s conclusion, that “Branson’s Shows” is the Number 1 reason people come to Branson, should surprise no one, particularly readers of the column.

Is education or raising prices of Branson shows the answer to getting PBIS? Read More »

Could DIAS continue to “spring up” and cause the demise of America?

When the Ole Seagull read the words of Missouri Senatorial Candidate Todd Aiken, “If it’s a legitimate rape, the female body has ways to try to shut that whole thing down,” relative to rape involved pregnancies, he was shocked at its stupidity and in-sensitiveness . As he witnessed, what he believes, were Aiken’s selfish actions regarding continuing in the campaign in the face of what his loss could mean to the conservative cause he professes to champion; statements of other political leaders and the acronym DIAS “sprung” to mind:

Could DIAS continue to “spring up” and cause the demise of America? Read More »

It takes “PBIS” for a Branson show to be successful

BRANSON, Mo., July 22, 2012 — It’s no secret, this year has been a really tough year for many shows. Why? Simply put, “There’s not enough ‘PBIS’ (Paid Butts In Seats.) This might seem trite but it is PBIS, the “gross” revenue generated by each “butt” in a seat, that provides theatres and show owners with the major revenue source to pay performers, staff, taxes, operate theatres, costuming, sets, marketing, a myriad of other costs and hopefully, make a “net” profit.

It takes “PBIS” for a Branson show to be successful Read More »

Will Branson shows and attractions be knocked out of the “ole marketing ball park?”

Is it possible that those in power in Branson have watched the movie “Field of Dreams” one time too many? Have they forgotten the concept of “Dance with the one who brought you?” Do they really believe that marketing funds spent trying to develop yet another demographic to allegedly bring more people to Branson will bring more people to Branson than spending that same amount of money in “efficiently” promoting the shows and attractions that are the lynchpin of Branson’s success? In an Ole Seagull’s opinion, “It appears so.”

Will Branson shows and attractions be knocked out of the “ole marketing ball park?” Read More »

The gift of Christmas fulfilled, “He has risen!”

The "Lily of the Valleys" has risen!

To Christians, Christmas is both a commemoration and celebration of the fact that “God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son so that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life.” If however, that first Christmas was all there was, there would be little reason for anyone to believe in Jesus and the promise of eternal life would be lost to all. But that’s not all there was. …

The gift of Christmas fulfilled, “He has risen!” Read More »

Branson’s Happy Birthday Spirit

Somehow it just seems so fitting that the start of Branson’s 100th year and Centennial Celebration coincides with Palm Sunday and the spirit of what it represents. During its first year in existence the city of Branson had a fire with the potential to wipe it out and during the last year of its first century it experienced a tornado with the potential to wipe it out. Yet, as we celebrate the 100th birthday of the city we love and that many of us call home, Branson’s light burns brightly as a beacon of unique family entertainment for millions of visitors annually, natural beauty, fun, patriotism, and a place where the spirit of the One who rode a donkey into Jerusalem those thousands of years ago is honored.

Halleluiah and Happy Birthday Branson, Happy Birthday!

Branson’s Happy Birthday Spirit Read More »

Carpetbaggery in store for the Taney County Commission elections?

It seemed surreal, almost as if the Ole Seagull wasn’t actually in the crowded room in Branson filled with some of Branson’s biggest power brokers and a sprinkling of others. Although, it was as if they didn’t even notice him, he was surprised he was there because lowly Seagulls are not normally invited to the meetings where the “Condors roost” unless they want something from them. …

Carpetbaggery in store for the Taney County Commission elections? Read More »