Does TCED and TIF Change the Difference Between “Before” and “After?”
BRANSON, Mo., March 9, 2014 – In a September column the Ole Seagull suggested that, “As a condition precedent to the voters reauthorizing the TCED’s 1% Marketing Tax in April, one of two conditions should be met in order to prevent 50% of the taxes paid at ‘Branson Landing’ and ‘Branson Hills’ from being used to pay the city of Branson’s TIF debt instead of for marketing.” The alternative conditions were either the production of a Missouri Supreme Court Case saying that a new tax authorized by the voters after a TIF has already been put into effect automatically becomes part of the preexisting TIF or, alternatively, the TCED pledging to cease payment of any portion of the TCED taxes collected to the city of Branson for Branson’s TIFs until judicially directed otherwise. …
Does TCED and TIF Change the Difference Between “Before” and “After?”Read More »
Does TCED and TIF Change the Difference Between “Before” and “After?” Read More »